Dehydrated vs Dry skin

Do you struggle with itchy and tight patches of skin? Flakiness and roughness? Well you may have dry or dehydrated skin– and there is a difference! While dry skin is a skin type characterized by a lack of oil in the skin, dehydrated skin is skin condition that is characterized by a lack of water in the skin. Those with dry skin types may be prone to dehydrated skin, as the natural oil in skin plays a major role in the skin’s water retention.
What causes Dry Skin and how do you care for it?
Dry skin can be due to genetics but can be worsened by internal and external factors, such as extreme temperatures, oil-stripping skincare products, health, lifestyle, hormones, and aging. To help treat dry skin, refrain from harsh cleansers and extremely hot showers or baths. Instead use a gentle cleanser in warm water, and apply a moisturizer directly after getting out. Seal with an occlusive, like a facial oil or a body butter, balm, or oil. We recommend AFOKOSKIN Dream Serum, Living Body Oil, and Whipped Body Butter for dry skin.
What causes dehydrated skin and how do you care for it?
Dry skin affects everyone (and all skin types) at some point but unless you have a dry skin type, it’s likely that the dry skin you’re experiencing is really dehydrated skin. Dehydrated skin is a result of excessive water loss and can be caused by a damaged skin barrier, a lack of water in your diet, or extreme environmental conditions. Having healthy habits like drinking plenty of water and getting adequate sleep is important to help prevent dehydrated skin. Skip the harsh products and over-exfoliation to protect the skin’s natural barrier, and add hydrating and antioxidant-rich products to your routine.