Summer Skin 101: Dealing With Heat Rash

Heat rash is a common skin concern in summer where sweat gets trapped underneath your skin. It is most common in hot, humid weather and frequently appears as tiny raised bumps on the skin. Heat rash usually goes away on its own once the skin cools down, but sometimes may need treatment.
The best response to heat rash is to cool the skin and avoid exposing it to the heat that caused the condition. Here are some tips for dealing with heat rash this summer:
Do a cold compress using a cool, damp cloth your skin.
Cool Down: Take a cool shower or bath to cool down (it may help if you air dry)
Avoid using comedogenic products which can clog your pores + sweat ducts
Avoid direct sunlight: protect your skin from the summer heat by wearing breathable clothing and sun protection
Use an anti-inflammatory moisturizer or a steroid cream.